The night before deciding on coming to Chihuahua, the local news were reporting about a jailbreak in Chihuahua, and the federal police were out in full force.
Singapore (or some amongst us) is proud whenever some Singlish word finds its way into the Oxford dictionary. The island of Samoa gave the world the word 'tattoo'. Mexico gave the world quite a few English words, probably because of her proximity with USA. Words like 'nacho' and 'taco' comes to mind. The Mexican state of Chihuahua gave the world the name for the smallest breed of dog in the world. Although not once did I see a chihuahua in Chihuahua, the same way I never tasted Sri Lankan crab in Sri Lanka (the local told me the crabs were exported, probably to our shore).
I was expecting Chihuahua city to be a big one, at least comparable to Monterrey. The state is supposed to be one of the largest in the country, and the city is supposed to take pride of place in the country's history. Arriving in Chihuahua from the airport, it is obvious Chihuahua's significance is not from it's size. In fact, the city looks and feels more like a provincial town.
其实吉娃娃市中心基本上没什么高楼大厦。市中心游客能逛的除了几栋市府建筑, 一条步行街外便是教堂。
我下午绕过市府时, 发现有工人正在架音响, 猜想一定有什么活动。 后来回到饭倒头就睡, 起来时已是下午七点多了。
穿着像Nutcracker兵士制服的军人刚对着一个囚犯开了几枪。 囚犯应声倒地, 然后被军人抬起, 离开舞台。 此时舞台灯暗下, 市府内响起了掌声, 市府外围观的群众也报以掌声。
秃头大名Hidalgo (之前我只认得那是一匹马的名字),是一名神父, 全名为Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villaseñor。 来墨西哥两周, 对他的事迹俺略知一二。 下午到市府对面的博物馆逛时, 里面地下室保留了一个角落。 角落里有陈旧的板床,椅子和小桌。 桌上有一本Hidalgo‘碳架’的圣经。 参观这个角落的各个肃穆, 连小孩都不呱噪。 从博物馆里的资料, 明显的, Hidalgo是墨西哥反西班牙殖民统治的独立战争时近乎孙中山的角儿。 他被西班牙人当着寇给囚禁在这个角落 (当然, 当时博物馆不是博物馆, 这个角落是间牢房。) 然后有一天, Hidalgo被拉出牢房, 西班牙人搞了一场审讯,给他定了欲加之罪, 接着便是行刑。 刚刚扮演的, 壁画上的便是这一幕。 Hidalgo被枪毙后, 西班牙人把他的脑袋砍下, 身首异处, 打的是“杀鸡儆猴”的算盘。
我看着这幅壁画, 心里想到的是阿妹的《人质》: 在我心上用力的开一枪, 让一切归零在这声巨响。