Friday, 25 September 2009

July, 2009: Shimonoseki, by way of Fukuoka, Japan

After leaving Fujinomiya, headed south to Fukuoka. The main reason is to stay at the same capsule hotel I stayed in almost a year ago. The carpet at lobby still smells like fresh laundry. In the span of 2 days, JR has taken me down south from Hokkaido to Kyushu.
Shimonoseki looks like an ordinary sea/fishing port, famous for her puffer fish cuisine. But because of an event back in 1937, it has a big part to play in history.
In the 12th year of Showa, following their defeat in the Shino-Japan war, Chinese diplomats with their premier Li Hong Zhang arrived in Shimonoseki. They were to sign the 'peace' treaty that handed Taiwan over to the Japanese government.
With a ferry to catch that same morning, I could only squeeze in a visit to the museum for the Shimonoseki treaty.

The actual location where the treaty was signed, Shunpanro (Spring Sail building) is now a restaurant and hotel. The museum is located at a smaller wing at the entrance.

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